Customized massage treatment blending techniques to address each client's concerns and relaxation.
Any one or several modalities of massage may be used during your session, including relaxing, deep tissue, sports, manual lymphatic drainage, trigger point, cupping, guasha, thermal therapy, Mayan Abdominal Massage, topical herbs, aromatherapy, reflexology, or acupressure.
This session is designed exclusively for expecting mothers to provide gentle relief and relaxation.
Advanced, specialized techniques are tailored to address the unique needs and discomforts of pregnancy, promoting overall well-being for both mother and baby. From easing tension in the back, hips, and legs to reducing swelling and improving circulation, each session is carefully crafted to ensure comfort and safety.
When requested, elements of deep tissue work can be applied safely and effectively.
Postnatal massage can take place as soon as you feel comfortable enough to be on the table. For some, this is within a week or two after birth or 4-6 weeks after a C-Section.
To ensure you are comfortable, positioning is both semi-reclining and side-lying until you're ready to be face down.
During your session, we will address typical aches and pains due to the incredibly demanding birth process, posture shifts, increased lymphatic flow, hormone balance, and stress to encourage healing and decrease overwhelm.
Our Fertility Enhancing Massage is a holistic approach designed to support your reproductive health journey.
Whether you're exploring natural conception, undergoing assisted reproductive treatments, or simply seeking to optimize your reproductive health, this treatment combines targeted massage techniques promoting blood circulation to the reproductive organs, balancing hormone levels, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being.
This unique offering combines Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and traditional massage therapy for those seeking immediate relief to their muscles, relaxation of massage, and the gentle, rhythmic, and detoxifying effects of MLD.
This session promotes relaxation, eases muscle tension, reduces inflammation, and supports the body's natural detoxification process.
Easeful Moontime Massage is designed to alleviate the discomforts of menstruation.
Focused massage techniques in hips, back, neck, and shoulders to reduce stress, Mayan Abdominal Massage and hormone balancing essential oil blends are just a few layered modalities used to ease cramps, reduce bloating, and promote relaxation before, during, or after your menstrual period.
Easeful Menopause Massage incorporates techniques to ease age-related body aches and stretches to reduce joint stiffness.
Layered therapies such as therapeutic massage, lymphatic drainage, acupressure, or Mayan Abdominal Massage are used to reduce cortisol, promote hormonal balance and alleviate symptoms such as mood swings and hot flashes, encourage collagen production, and improve muscle tone.
Women’s Massage Services
Moonseed Massage is a women's health-focused bodywork studio dedicated to nurturing your body's well-being throughout life's phases.
Whether you're seeking relief from discomfort, a moment of tranquility amidst expectations and responsibilities, or a peaceful connection with yourself or your baby during pregnancy, I'm here to help you rejuvenate and restore.
Moonseed Massage is located within Family Tree Holistic Health in Arlington Heights, IL.
Your comfort is always top priority.